Thursday, July 17, 2014



You know whats sad about our people its that WILLIE LYNCH SYNDROME, that the white man put in our men and women towards each other...The black woman is financially more stable than black men..not because they work harder, or smarter as they might want to believe in themselves...but because the white man has given them every advantage over the black man to achieve success, while they unleash every weapon they have to destroy the black man. We as a people have let success be based off what we have individually and not look at our success as a people...All other nations look at their success as a nation, as a community, that is self sufficient  with their own businesses and schools, and know that for their nation or community to thrive that they have to empower each other, so they make a collective agreement to support one another, and make sure their main focus is their own society and not other societies..With our women having such blessing of wealth and opportunities, they think its beneath them to help black men who are not on the same level they own, we have sisters who would rather get with men solely on what that man can provide instead of what that man can accomplish with the right support....We focus on our own needs and not the needs of our people...we don't have love for one another, not as men and women, not as a black community not as a black nation..We don't support our own businesses and we don't support the black man that has had a problems succeeding in this white world..A black woman could make  a 100,000 a year and will not deal with a brother who does not have his own business or that high paying job, most feel why should i help a man , what is he bringing to the table, but will drop thousands to that lying preacher, or to some white charity,...That's self hate..that's hating your own people..that's only wanting to be successful in the white mans world and not seeking to establishing our own businesses, our own schools, to rebuilding our own nation, our own communities, to build up each other...So you can look good in your nice clothes and you can look good in your beautiful homes, and new cars, it don't mean anything but that you a sellout to your own people, selfish and a murderer of your own people...Its no wonder why scandal is such a popular show among black women, they turning to white men because they feel like he is more secure than black men, they rather invest into the white man than their own, so they now sleeping with the enemy, first it was our stars, and entertainers, now its our everyday sister who is embracing white men..Its time our people examine themselves and wake up come back to your black man, to your people and help rebuild your own..if you cant do that..don't complain about the status of our people, don't complain about black men, our schools, the drugs,crime, poverty in our neighborhoods, because you could do something about it...If black people wanted to get rid of drugs the women could almost single handed end drugs in black communities by saying these magic words...I'LL NEVER MESS WITH A MAN THAT SELLS DRUGS....We have the power to change things in our own communities with team work, with love for one another, with our focus being on rebuilding our own nation, not on our own personal vanity and greed...Stop supporting those that oppress us..Support your own.

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