Wednesday, August 20, 2014



Black people should be ashamed for protesting a white man killing a black man..We should have been protesting black on black crime, drug dealers in our neighborhood, gangs in our neighborhoods, liquor stores on every corner, the other nations coming in our neighborhoods opening businesses but never hire us in their stores, these fake money grubbing preachers who have big churches and bring in millions of dollars and then have the nerve to not allow the members to benefit from it by offering free child care in the nurseries, home schooling, not training our people to become business owners, not promoting circulating our money back into our own black owned businesses at least 4x before it ever touches the white mans hands, these are the things our people should be upset before you run your but to Ferguson to protest, you got a lot of protesting to do in your own back yards. Damn the white man, he is never going to love you, care about you, educate you, empower you, the white man is going to keep being the damn devil he always been. He has never cared for us but we got our children wanting to be them, we have forgotten who are our enemies, have you people forgot we have enemies,stop teaching your children that love , love,love garbage and start teaching them the truth, that every time they step out the door of their home, they have to be aware of their surroundings that the white man is their enemies and they have to be lawful, know their surroundings, and always be circumspect of any interactions with them, and never provoke the enemy to take your life. Our women you need to stop complaining about black men being with white women if you doing everything in your power to look like them, no one likes imitations, they will just go get the real thing, embrace your true beauty, get rid of the perms and weaves, and embrace your blackness, you are the most beautiful of all women on earth, so be proud of it. Black men,reclaim your position of your family as head, women step back and let the black man be who he was created to be, a leader of the family. If a man not going to marry you stop laying your black asses down with him you a queen not a thot, or jump off. Black men learn your history, the bible is your history book, teach your wife, your children, come back to the laws and commandments of God, stop running to these churches unless they going to keep the laws and commandments of God. We are a holy people that were created to be above all people on the face of the earth, if you not trying to achieve that, then you a waste to our people, separate yourselves from people who are not about restoring our people back to what we should be , rulers of this earth, if you not about building our communities, our people, then you are a enemy to our people and we got no need for you in our communities. This is the stance and the discipline that its going to take to change our situation,this is the reality that we must face, if we want change its not coming from our oppressors, its going to come from us.

1 comment:

  1. Kan family. This was and is on point. Many need to read and understand.
